Opening in Fall 2021, the Just Transition Lawyering Institute is an online legal training and network-building program for lawyers looking to align their law practice with the values and demands of just transition.

The JTL Institute brings lawyers together to learn from leading just transition legal scholars, lawyers, and community organizers various ways to use our law practices to address the needs of frontline communities and advance a just transition. 

The JTL Institute launches in late October 2021 for a six-week Fall Season. The Institute then resumes in March 2022 for a six-week Spring Season. Participation in both seasons is required and will enable up to two years of CLE Credits (30+ CLE Credits). 

The JTL Institute will both train licensed attorneys and provide a starting point for building a robust national network of just transition lawyers. We believe this community of legal communities is needed to scale the legal profession’s ability to meet the needs of frontline communities and to generate a field of scholarship and practice on just transition lawyering aimed at transforming legal education and practice.

The inaugural 2021-22 JTL Institute will inform additional trainings and lawyering formations in the years to come.


JTL Institute participants will...

  1. Gain foundational knowledge to navigate more effectively in just transition social movement spaces and provide legal counsel to client organizers, individuals, and communities that are navigating the most severe climate and economic impacts of the extractive economy

  2. Build essential skills to participate more effectively in and contribute to community-driven and systems change processes

  3. Increase values-based connection, skills sharing, and shared analysis with fellow lawyers, community organizers, and legal scholars

  4. Help to shape and communicate a proactive narrative that begins to articulate the rapidly emerging field of just transition lawyering  

  5. Seed membership and participation in the national Just Transition Lawyering Network

  6. Support building scholarship and practice on just transition lawyering aimed at transforming legal education and approaches to lawyering